Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Sandy is reeking havoc along the east coast. So that means more time to paint, play RaiderZ, and buy stuff on eBay. Terrible day for my wallet!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Scored some sweet stuff this weekend. Take a peek for yourself.

Friday, October 19, 2012

So right now I'm continuing my work on Kshatriya, winning things on eBay, and watching Fate/Zero. Pretty "eventful" Friday night LOL. Anyway, I will have some photos of Kshatriya up later. Most of the work for tonight is focused on the binders. Spraying the gloss black base and gunmetal for inner frame parts.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

So today was pretty eventful, I got a package today from goHastings with my MG Heavyarms!

Then I got my new Batman #13 in the mail

And I've continued work on my 1/144 HG Kshatriya for the Gundam Eclipse contest. Basically I'm using Alclad Gloss Black, Alclad Chrome and the new Mr Crystal Color Sophia Blue. The paint looks "rough" but it's not, that's just the blue sparkles from the Crystal Color

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

First post!

Welcome to my modeling / life blog! In here you'll find out about all the cool stuff I do. This is my first time ever blogging, but I'm extremely excited about it! To kick things off, here's a photo of a 1/72 T-34 I built!

As I update the blog I'll be posting helpful hints and tricks to build better models.